Thursday, January 24, 2019

Are you investing in the market or stock ?

Almost every "player" are confused when they open their mouths. Why "player",  because it is a game where the opportunity to make rest with the BEST timing!!! You can be the best stock picker like fruit pickers but if your timing is completely "off", than you are screwed big time.

We have also seen there are a basket of stocks that will outperform the market index trend or sentiment in the long term but majority will actually perform badly.

Last weekend I manage to screen through all the Bursa stocks. Well conclusion is only the FOREIGN owned stocks performed superbly versus Malaysian owned. Maybe one or two foreign owned did not perform like the rest of the group but definitely better than the Malaysian cousins!!!!

One has to decide IF you want to be a super long term trader (months/years) or super short term trader (hours/days)

In my vocabulary there are NO investors simply because everyone in the game BUY and SELL (trade). Understand !!!

When one trade stocks, it is all about "stories" like new business, earnings blah blah blah ....well I have left that school and pursue the trend direction story!!!! Occasionally I will venture back into stocks if I find the price is attractive and the timing is right provided the business remains the same.
Assuming that company is not going bust!!!

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