Monday, January 14, 2019

Seriously ... what are we suppose to do???

The most difficult part of  attempting to make consistently successful moves in the market is NOT about how much we think and believe we know but rather how much we are willing to "UNKNOW" and detach from the news hitting us everyday.

Over the last 2 years, I have rediscovered some of the principles that was misplaced and rearrange the priority. I am glad that some of the people I have guided improved tremendously and explore different markets to trade.

My near death encounter has completely change my view of life and how I will lead my life. During this period I also had the opportunities to allow the system to run ....versus second guessing the system. Both results were compared and the truth is ..I NEED TO STUPIDLY FOLLOW WHAT THE SYSTEM IS TELLING ME IGNORING THE MEDIA COMPLETELY.

When I trust the media more than the system, I get into BIG problem. But when I stupidly accept AND completely FOLLOW the rules of the system, the results are superbly rewarding with complete ignorance of the media.

One is better off watching YOUTUBE movies than to listen to the NEWS TALK. This "talk" will expose you on different views of different speakers BUT does not mean market follow the views. Market moves on its own agenda despite different views. Ultimately the group that reign will lead the trend direction.

Why is it that we as human has the tendency to fulfill the need to know everything what is happening to the market? How many times did we actually profit from this action of ours? Does this mean that knowing what is going on increase our IQ and profits?

My honest assessment is we can be stupidly not know everything (ignorant) and yet trade flawlessly. The calamity comes when we intellectually believe we "know" and this attitude we "know" sows the seed for disaster.

The root for wanting to know lies in the educational system as most of us have probably started with equities. This equity analysis stereotype is about finding WHYs. This is what we learn in school. Explain this ... explain that ... why this ... why that ... In trading.... this approach will lead us to Amsterdam or Holland in our lingo.

Next posting I will discuss about STUPIDLY successful trading.


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