Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Part 1 .............. Investing - Trading - Speculation === Warfare ==== Chess Game

On one hand the game is about how YOU and ME move in a field filled with booby traps. Some of us are equip with the tools and training to walk in this path with minimal injury.  What seems like impossible random layout becomes a possible path if and only if one can map the safe passage.

On the other hand it is like playing a chess game with the Computer as your opponent. Sometime you get beaten by the computer and other time you beat the computer with your moves. The computer seems to have the ability to learn and upgrade over time as you challenge the computer opponents more closer as the AI ability.

The challenge is ARE you a better AI enabled than the computer??? Can you find or establish the sequential learning path of the computer AI and preempt the computer before it makes the vital move and turn the table in your favor???

In-fact I feel strongly that the GAME is a hybrid of booby traps and computer chess.

The level of survival goes in this level;

Level ONE - Go to the destination safely with minimal injury with the longest time and minimal moves

Level TWO - Go to the destination safely with minimal injury with the shortest time time and minimal moves  

Level THREE -  Go to the destination safely with minimal injury and maximum prize with the longest time time and minimal moves

Level FOUR -  Go to the destination safely with minimal injury with maximum prize with the shortest time time and minimal moves

Level FIVE -  Go to the destination safely with NO injury and maximum prize with the longest time time and minimal moves

Level SIX -  Go to the destination safely with NO injury and maximum prize with the shortest time time and minimal moves

Now go and think over where you are now and how you are going to move up the ladder 

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