The Million dollar question in every financial market participant is ... HAVE WE SEEN THE WORST? IS IT OVER? SAFE TO BUY and HOW LOW CAN IT GO?
There are no straight and direct answers to the above questions lurking in your minds.
1. IF you buy into companies with decent financial state, than I can say the downside is MAXIMUM ZERO. On the same token if you buy into companies with problematic financial state, the downside is also MAXIMUM ZERO. The only difference is that one should try to identify companies that are unlikely to score maximum zero value. This is the only time one can find the financial analysis of the company comes in handy. Just simple and basic financial analysis to determine the viability is sufficient.
2. In every market trend, there are super stars stocks that buck the overall market down trends (the Composite Index barometer). Then there are Aspiring stars that merely perform slightly better then the overall market trends. There are Followers stocks that merely track the index. With Under Performers that under peform the index in an uptrend. Finally the Rejects that need no explanation.
3. Irrespective of what our beliefs or perceptions about the market situation, market will deliver the verdict sooner or later.
Old dog has lived this long in the market to see many things happening in global markets and Malaysia. I have stayed cash for quite a few years. Sure I seen some orgies over the last few years. Old dog says there is a time for everything. Last few years was the time for me to stay away, sit on cash, waiting for the durian to ripe and fall. Than waiting for durian auctions to get FREE 1 BUY1 promotion offer.
What tools or instruments do I use??? Nothing fancy. Just 32 years of experience and wisdom with my own judgment.
Of course there is no need for me to go round canvassing for fans. After all the saying goes, the empty vessel make the loudest noise.
I believe in my own SILVER bullet approach. When the time is ripe? ....The opportunity is right .....
p/s .. you can claim to be rich .... blah blah blah ... and how much you made from the market ... simply because the market ALLOWS you to profit from the uptrend. BUT if the same person blowing horns are also enjoying financial loss in a downtrend, than this person is no different from the tom dick and harry or mary alice and betty on the street.
Unlike if this attention seeker is also insulated from the down trend better if can profit from a down trend.
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