Friday, June 12, 2020

The Intangibles - The Libility - The 5 senses and the dangers

Why after 30+ years I can't trade the market PERFECTLY as I wanted? I am getting closer each day to the PERFECT trade and I know I can because my errors are less and lesser overtime with my profit margin bigger and bigger with time.


A simple statement and not complicated. Sounds like nothing sophisticated and no big deal statement. Over time, I start to take notice of my trades and my mistakes. Well forget the correct trades. I got nothing to improve on correct trades. I only have the erroneous trades to better my executions and to be better each time. Mistakes or errors are minimize and executions improving.

I finally come to the conclusion ..... my mistakes and error has NOTHING to do with the market. It is all about badly timed executions. All this actions or entries are MADE by ME. The whole question come down to as simple as .....DO I LOOK NEWS and CONTINUE TO LOOK FOR HINTS in the media? Or do I start my own soul searching since I have to decide whether the fight is with the market to do a good entry or the fight is with myself to find a good execution?

Accepting the fact that I am responsible for my actions and not the markets, it dawn upon me that I owe it to myself to develop a simple system to help myself to surf well on the wave of actions market is unfolding.

The choice and decision to execute my mine and solely mine without being forced by the market or any other people.

Every second, Every minute, Every hour, Every Day, Every Week, Every Month, Every Quarter and Every Year there will be NEWS that is going to be released to the media or fed to the newswires regarding the product we are tracking or trading.

Irrespective of whether the trend is up or down or sideways consolidating, the news will continue to pound and hit the media. We will hear and read the news.

One has to decide if the decision is gonna to be the news or the behavioral price actions?

My choice was and IS to dwell and immerse and soak my approach to analyzing the behavioral price actions. When I reach this stage, the "fight" is with my mind and my eyes. It is no longer the media and the news.

The biggest challenge is to ensure that I am not blinded by news. I am not confused by news. I am able to make INDEPENDENT decisions. To have a low risk and high profit potential.

Emotion is a precursor to decision. Emotion can be a liability if not managed well. Manage your emotions and follow a simple system and you will be surfing well in the markets.

Forget the news.

Forget forming and opinion(s) why market is against you.

Focus on why you are not align with the market. How did you become out of "alignment". Take the effort to ensure you are align with the market and all the profits will come to you without stress and minimal effort.

REMEMBER EMOTION WILL BLIND US from making independent irrational wise decision as a result of our confusion with all the news and our CPU in our head processing them randomly.

RANDOM is defined (mine) is when there is NO POSITIVE CORRELATION with the same input all the time but swinging between positive and negative correlations with the same inputs.


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