Sunday, July 5, 2020

LEFT brain ... the liability and the danger

As an EMPLOYEE one look forwards to month end for the pay check. Some will be looking forward to promotions. There will come to a point one will be asking if the progression has ended and there will come to a point promotion and salary no longer matter. There will come to a situation where one will decide to embark a total career change. Some will end up like me. Training my eyes on the financial markets.

The journey will be very challenging and satisfying if one gets it right. Yes, we need to unwind many things that are conditioned in our mind that will be hindrance to journey as a consistently successful "trader". These are not about our quantitative or financial modelling skills. They are about qualitative skills. It is not about financial skills. It is about "beliefs and values".

Each and everyone of us will and have the ability to make a "conclusion" and succeeded by actions. Our "conclusion" will be derived as a result of our sights (reading/seeing), and hearing.

It is the ability of our mind to make transition to utilize our right brains more when our left brain keep telling and reminding us it is wrong when market goes against us will decide either we are going to make the cut to be a PRO or AMATEUR.

Over the years, I admit that my trading failures and error are not due to the lack of knowledge in the quantitative area (left brain) but rather lack of my ability to fully develop and exploit my qualitative discipline (right brain). The conflict between the left and the right brain can even break ones confidence. It is the way we have all mentally conditioned to think and make conclusions resulting in BELIEFS/OPINIONS.

I will keep reminding myself that market is neither LOGICAL nor ILLOGICAL. It is us that impose our opinions on the market and we believe that market should listen and do as our wish.The only way to win is to downsize your left brain and let your right brain to take over.

Once we accept market will do whatever it wants to do at its convenience and continue to do so irrespective of whatever we think or opine than the next thing that we need to do is control our left brain. To prevent it from creating conflict with the market direction so that we can make the proper correct right decision no matter how "wrong" our left brain is telling us.

The market will tread on its own no matter how right or how right we think or believe market is. That means our opinions is IRRELEVANT.

Left brain dominant is everywhere. Why? It is the number. The corporate only read numbers. Bring them into the market which is cyclical,... they will be eaten alive.

The important things we need to do to be in a successful trading business, we need to stop our overpowering left brain. If there is anything that is holding us back it is the dominant LEFT brain. Let the right brain thrive and dance.

The right brain is not going to see the world as logical and illogical. It is just going to respond to the music.

Left brain is RIGID and the Right brain is flexibly adaptive 

Know when to use your left brain and know when hide your left brain. 

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