Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Back to the Starting Point .... Basic Premise and CORE ....THE BIAS BELIEFS

 When we look at the chart ... what we need to understand are only a few things or more precisely 2 things.



How about price? Well price represents your APPETITE when you see the number!!!!!!!!! Some people don't have appetite for big absolute price numbers and some have appetite for pennies!!!!! 

Some maybe bias with certain price values and some may see them as irrelevant.

 The whole idea is NOT to look at the numbers BUT look at the chart and try to write down WHAT DO YOU SEE. It is only after one is able to overcome the mental paralysis than there is no need to write what you see.

Even one should ignore the name of the chart or products or stocks or instruments.

Even one struggle with charts from past or present teachings/beliefs ... one should take 10 steps back ... re-wire ... re-engineer the whole process from the very basic foundation of CHART TREND ANALYSIS.

All the pollution and contamination comes when one start to intro and mix all sort of idea into the recipe instead of asking yourself when you look at the chart, what DO YOU SEE!!!!!

Forgot the indicators, forget the volume forget all the ratios... Just see the chart without all the makeups and cosmetics. Only than you can see the light. 

When you are proficient, you can put on chart cosmetics to add a bit more zing to the chart but be careful not to over spice it up  

The next step is to ask yourself, how do you know the direction has changed? It does not matter whether you are using candle or bar or line chart.

What do you use to track the direction and what do you use to confirm the directional change? When this can be applied  across all different products/instruments for all different time frames , than you have got a working functional basic reliable system



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