Sunday, August 30, 2020

Which Time frame ??? Considerations !!!!

 The older charting software that I use from the 1990s do not have the flexibility of charting intraday data except DAILY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY. This is long before INTERNET explosion and trading platform which are intra-day enabled become widely available FREE without cost.

Does this mean with real-time one become more profitable? NO. There is guarantee that real time intra day users are more profitable than EoD (End of Day) users. When one is given many time frames and spoil with many time frame options, once can become confused which ONES to use.

Trading is like cooking. The cook has to decide how high the heat or fire to turn up or down and which spices or ingredients for which dishes.

Even curry a generic word has many different variations from different countries using some different ingredients and preparations.

One should sit back, ponder over which time frames to be selected to match the relevant trends accompanied by the compatible indicators.

Take your time to think over and study the charts across different time frames with different trend !!!!

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