Monday, August 9, 2021

Rules ? Principles ? Laws?

The "art" of master charting analysis is about one's ability to change and adapt into a "DYNAMIC" trend situations.

There are basic rules or principles or laws when one decides to adopt chart analysis. While majority use the chart for short term intra-day trading/scalping, charts analysis is as potent for higher time frames.

I will categorically divide the "rules" into 2 classes or groups

1. BASIC ( you can find and read all the materials online or printed) aka TEXTBOOK level

2.DYNAMIC (you will need experience to be able to know which strokes) aka HARD KNOCK level

When one trains to get a driving license, it is the BASIC level. When one is on the road and outmaneuvering the crazy trading which is not static, this is the DYNAMIC level. One need the experience and skills to drive in such situations either avoiding being hit or crash.

There are some universal standard rules to apply BUT when one gets into a wild dynamic situation, it is about survival. Which rules to maintain and which rules will one ignore or modify?

If the market trend is at a constant pace and direction, well the BASIC rules is more than sufficient. The truth is market trend is not traveling in a "sphere" that is constant. It is traveling DYNAMICALLY like a plane cruising at different altitudes and headwind/tailwind even air-pockets.

The Captain of the flight knows the different controls for different situations mentioned. The Captain will not and cannot use the same set of control rules for different situations. He or she will have different protocol.    

Once one is able to understand and grasp what are REQUIRED and NEEDED to be a skill chart proponents,  than one is able to separate the truth and the facts from a con job 


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