Saturday, July 2, 2022

Market and the talking heads

What is my conclusive understanding about the market and talking heads after 35 years in the markets?

It is a unique interesting UNIQUE creature that is INDEPENDENT. It will flow its on direction and velocity independent of other OPINIONS. 

When we on the TV or other media listening to 2 different camps offering their OPINIONS. Even if the 2 camps SHUT up, market will go on its own direction. That means what they say or opine is IRRELEVANT. 

Sometime one of the camp A views are in the same direction as market contradict camp B. Other time, market and camp B are in agreement and contradict camp A.

The independent state of the market price trend only tells us conclusively .. OPINIONS are nothing but noises.

Opinions is a dangerous EGO tool and can be lethal. Opinions is about TELLING what the market should do, forgetting that MARKET IS INDEPENDENTLY IGNORANT of others.

Only if one can humbly sit down, relax and come to term admit that no one can or will be able to tell market what to do.

Market is a FORCE that has its own GPS and AUTO-CRUISE.  

We should all learn to accept that. Learn to develop simple system to track/follow the market trend direction.

The more opinions we have or seeking opinions, the risk of self sabotage increases.

Don't parade the whole town like you control the market when the market is moving in synch with your views. There will be situations when market contradicts your views/opinions.

I learn to understand and accept that MARKET is the SUPREME LEADER.. IT has its own unstoppable right to tread on its own direction irrespective of which camp wins the debate.

Such a simple things took me a long time to accept wholeheartedly


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