Sunday, April 12, 2020

What is NEW ... hmmm ....

There is nothing NEW when you refer to financial markets. What was documented from Babylon Mesopotamian period clay tablets or payrus is still being practice today.

The fear inside you is no different back in Babylon era. Than you get a sudden change of opinion from fear to optimism. I am sure back than there are cult leaders trying to influence others like what we see in today markets.

What happens to market back thousands of years ago is the same as now. Prices go up and down with the trend. What goes up must come down and what goes down must come up. With a small caveat that as long as the company remain NOT bankrupt or delisted.

All that matters is WHEN it is going to change and WHERE or WHICH LEVEL it will happen!!! This is nothing but commonsense logic trading or investing or whatever name you want to call it. As long I can make money, don't matter what terminology you want to label them.

If you know this is the sequence pattern behavior, do you need to listen to someone who claimed to be guru status to tell you this is going to happen that market goes up and down!!!!

While I am able to narrow down the approximate time WHEN the change is due and WHICH level it is going to happen after the set up for change is in place, I will still need to wait for the change to happen to confirm.

One has to decide which is more profitable. That is market Fortune telling or acting on opportunities.

Whether market is up or down, whether it rise or dive vertically, I am indifferent. Mentally and emotionally, I am TOTALLY IMMUNE. Why? This is part and parcel of old dog 32 years journey. I have a system that warns me of pending upcoming changes which means my game plan for actions are always ready.

Which way the market moves is immaterial to me. The appropriate plan is forever ready.

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